God’s word cannot be understood by mere intellectual studying, apart from the revelation of the Holy Spirit and this revelation is given to His Apostles (1 Cor 2:10) who are appointed to teach and at the same time mould our minds too as we are ambassadors who should be “mature” in our understanding of the Word of God. (1 Cor 14:20). God wants all His children to be totally free in every way. But many believers are in bondage, sinful habits and human traditions. The more diligent we are to understand the truth concerning God, the more the truth will set us free in every area of our lives (John 8 :32).
The Bible teaches us that God is one there are three persons in this one God, the Trinity. The Church is the intent of God in which God has appointed a five-fold ministry – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to teach and nurture new believers and demonstrate God’s Power and Love. The Bible says that the one who has the right teaching have the presence of both the Father and the Son in their hearts and minds and those who deny either the Father or the Son have the spirit of the Anti-Christ (2 John 9, 1 John 2:22). The Scripture teaches us that Jesus Christ existed as God and was equal with God from all Eternity (John 1:1). When He came to earth as a man, he left his divinity to be like us. But even though Jesus was devoid of these powers when he came to earth, yet in His person, He was still God (Phil. 2:6 & 7). Jesus was tempted in all points as we are and overcame (Heb 4 :15), however He did not come as sinful flesh but only in the likeness of sinful flesh (Rom 8:3). The Holy Spirit inspires us to make a confession concerning that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He came in the flesh (1 Cor 12:3) (1 John 4: 2 & 3). Both confessions are equally important (Romans 10:9 &10).
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